Toward a Policy Agenda for California


In the first two parts of Career Opportunities: Career Technical Education and the College Completion Agenda we raised a number of issues that might best be addressed with some changes to state and system policy so that colleges have more clarity, more encouragement, and more support for operating effective and efficient CTE programs. 

States across the country are similarly struggling to capitalize on the assets of the CTE programs to bolster their economies through education and workforce development. 

State policies are continually evolving such that we are able only to provide a snapshot of state policies at a moment in time. It is our intent that the brief descriptions we have provided, along with the citations to the policies themselves, can help educators and policymakers in California (and elsewhere) identify some models and some resources to inform their ongoing discussions about improving CTE to better serve students and California's communities.

Report highlighting career pathways as a policy for improving postsecondary education and CTE, which reviews the programs in Arkansas, Kentucky, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin as models. Policy topics: What Degree and Certificate Programs are Offered; Structure and Delivery of Programs Offered; Funding; Accountability. Stephens, R. P. (2009). Charting a Path: An Exploration of the Statewide Career Pathway Efforts in Arkansas, Kentucky, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin. Seattle, WA: Seattle Jobs Initiative. 

Written by Amy Newman - writer at . She is a well-known American journalist, researcher, and essay writer. 

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